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网址:tongfengjx.oy96.cn  2023-10-13  作者:admin    阅读:

对于设置集中空调系统的建筑来说,厨房的工作环境能够保证,聚氨酯软管 PVC软管 隔离墩模具 u型槽模具 护坡模具 pvc输送带 尼龙输送带 天津除甲醛 北京除甲醛 其补风多为有序送风,灵活性也较大,在目前厨房的通风系统中,多为以下三种补风方式:
For the buildings with central air conditioning system, the working environment of the kitchen can be guaranteed. The air supply is mostly orderly and flexible. In the current ventilation system of the kitchen, there are three ways of air supply
(1) The restaurant air conditioner is a fresh air direct current air conditioning system. The fresh air of the air conditioner is first sent into the restaurant, and then flows into the kitchen and is discharged out of the room through the exhaust system. This way of investment is less, and the effect of heating and ventilation in the restaurant is good. The disadvantage is that a large number of air-conditioning air will be directly discharged, and the energy consumption of fresh air is large, which is not conducive to energy saving.
(2) Part of the fresh air of the combined air conditioning unit is directly fed into the kitchen, part is fed into the dining room, and returned to the air conditioner through the return fan. This can partly solve the problem of large energy consumption of fresh air, and at the same time, the use of flexibility is also greater. The pressure measuring device can be set in the kitchen. When all the exhaust fans in the kitchen work and the negative pressure increases, the return air electric valve will be closed, the return fan will stop, and a large amount of air will be supplied to the kitchen; When a small part of the exhaust fan is on or the exhaust fan is not working, if the negative pressure is not very large, the return air electric valve will be opened and the return fan will be started to avoid all the air supply of the air conditioner being discharged.
(3) Two units are used to serve the dining room and kitchen respectively. The kitchen is a fresh air direct current system to directly supplement the exhaust air of the kitchen stove, while the dining room is a fresh air system with primary return air. This scheme can ensure the air conditioning effect of the dining room and kitchen, and the kitchen and dining room systems do not interfere with each other. The disadvantage is that the initial investment is large.

